Release note

Release note #

2024 #

v0.34.0 - 2024/7/16 #

  • Add
    • Support for thread mute
  • Update
    • Change so that the member’s information is displayed at the top of the chat message screen
    • Change the context menu to a compact design

v0.33.0 - 2024/7/1 #

  • Update
    • Support for quoting posts in chat
    • Add conditions such as dates to the post search
    • Support for Starter Pack notifications
  • Fix
    • Fix the initial settings when adding a timeline column
    • Fixed so that the URL is displayed when the mouse cursor is moved over the WhiteWind article

v0.32.0 - 2024/6/5 #

  • Add
    • Display WhiteWind entries in user profile
  • Fix
    • Fix a bug that caused an error when reacting to unexpected records
    • Fix a bug that caused reposts and likes from other PDS users to fail

v0.31.0 - 2024/5/31 #

  • Add
    • Add the feature to switch the display language
    • Add the date of registration to account profile
    • Add the feature to view handle history from profile
    • Add chat feature
  • Update
    • Change so that the moderation service to which reports are sent can be selected using the report function

v0.30.0 - 2024/5/11 #

  • Add
    • Add log reference function
  • Update
    • Adjust link card layout
  • Fix
    • Fix a bug that caused a post to be mistakenly displayed as a pinned post when the post was pinned in someone else’s profile
    • Corrected layout of content filter dialog
    • Improved processing of reading link card information(OGP)

v0.29.0 - 2024/5/2 #

  • Add
    • Supports login with MFA (deprecated)
    • Display PDS belonging to user’s profile
    • Display pinned a post in user’s profile
  • Fix
    • Fix display layout of handles, etc

v0.28.0 - 2024/4/20 #

  • Add
    • Support for aggregate display of notifications
    • Add per-column setting for whether notifications are displayed in the aggregate
    • Support for sequential posts with 4 or more images attached
    • Add progress indicator to post dialog
  • Update
    • Adjusted post dialog layout

v0.27.0 - 2024/4/6 #

  • Add
    • Mute and Block Lists
    • Listing of muted and blocked lists
  • Update
    • Content filter settings to support the new label system
    • Support switching from post URL to quote in post dialog
    • Change to allow reposting, etc. even while columns are loading

v0.26.0 - 2024/3/21 #

  • Add
    • Support muted word
    • Add list of blocked and muted accounts
  • Update
    • Remove self-labels that should not be set from the selection candidates when posting
    • Internal updates to maintain compatibility with the new label system
    • Added aspect ratio to attached images
  • Fix
    • Fixed a situation where the tab button in the profile was sticking out.

v0.25.0 - 2024/3/2 #

  • Add
    • Function to hide reposts (the following can be set individually)
      • Reposts of your posts
      • Reposts by you
    • Move columns with the cursor keys
  • Update
    • Change to allow selection of search method when clicking on a hashtag
    • Change to add # when searching for hashtags
  • Fix
    • Fix a bug that caused display corruption with unexpected facets

v0.24.0 - 2024/2/23 #

  • Add
    • Support for “from:me” in post search
    • Function to change reply limits later
    • Function to hide reposts (the following can be set individually)
      • Reposts by the user
      • Reposts of users followed
      • Reposts of users you do not follow
  • Fix
    • Fixed a bug in reply restrictions that prevented the selection of combinations of mentions, etc.

v0.23.0 - 2024/2/17 #

  • Add
    • Function to adjust scroll velocity
    • Support for the list card (post and display)
  • Update
    • Change the image layout to be able to choose from four different layouts
  • Fix
    • Failure to play animated GIFs of a PDS different from the account
    • Failure to create a card when a handle was used in the feed URL

v0.22.1 - 2024/2/14 #

  • Update
    • Target item also displays busy indicator when adding/deleting listings
  • Fix
    • Fixed a bug that caused the reply limit setting to be empty when adding a new account

v0.22.0 - 2024/2/12 #

  • Add
    • Display of registered lists in the profile view
    • Function to cache list entries
      • Display of loading and progress at the bottom right of the window at startup
    • Faster loading of the Add/Remove Lists dialog
    • Reload button in add/delete list dialog
    • Display account loading on startup at the bottom right corner of the window
    • Function to copy the official URL into the profile menu
  • Update
    • Move the account icon in the post dialog into the combo box

v0.21.0 - 2024/2/1 #

  • Add
    • Post display and posting support for posts containing quotes and link cards
  • Update
    • Changed to be able to close the display of Mention Candidates with Esc
  • Fix
    • Support for posts that cannot be displayed in notifications
    • Fixed layout of settings dialog

v0.20.0 - 2024/1/15 #

  • Add
    • Add indication of character limit (list name, Alt text)
    • Adjust link card title and description with character limit
    • Display of candidate users to be mentions
    • Display of Likes on feeds in notifications
    • Support for multi-line layouts
  • Update
    • Support for read notifications (can be turned on/off in settings)
    • Limit replies to 5 selectable replies.

2023 #

v0.19.0 - 2023/12/31 #

  • Add
    • Setting to hide the version information in the main window
    • Function to switch how posts are displayed when updating feed (one at a time or all at once)
    • Function to copy the official URL of a post
    • Function to save space in the profile
  • Fix
    • Character encoding judgment when retrieving OGP

v0.18.0 - 2023/12/24 #

  • Add
    • Support for Reply Limitations
  • Update
    • Update not to display !no-unauthenticated label in profile
  • Fix
    • Fix to be able to create link cards with Youtube sharing URLs
    • Fixed to be able to create lists without icon images

v0.17.0 - 2023/12/4 #

  • Add
    • Function to update your profile
    • Function to update information in the listings

v0.16.0 - 2023/11/25 #

  • Add
    • Support for animated GIFs
  • Update
    • Change search API to official one
  • Fix
    • Bug in content filter settings Show was not reflected correctly
    • Bug in the registration process to the list

v0.15.0 - 2023/11/11 #

  • Add
    • Add font selection function
  • Update
    • Change default font
    • Change to be able to add itself to the list
  • Fix
    • Fix column cursor position
    • Fix the content of the message when an error occurs
    • Fix clipping process of icons to be registered in the list
    • Fix scrolling when post dialog is about to overflow

v0.14.1 - 2023/11/2 #

  • Fix
    • Fix clip process for avatar image in list

v0.14.0 - 2023/11/1 #

  • Add
    • Support for curation lists
    • Ability to display only the reps to users you follow.
  • Update
    • Change display position when adding columns
  • Fix
    • Fix to handle correctly when a slash is specified at the end of the URL of a service
    • Fix error log

v0.13.0 - 2023/10/8 #

  • Add
    • Display and post hashtags (in text)
    • Display post tags (post thread only)
  • Update
    • Update to also show behind the base post in post threads
    • Display lines between posts in post threads
  • Fix
    • Fixed a bug that may cause image sending to fail
    • Fixed error in profile feed list

v0.12.0 - 2023/9/18 #

  • Add
    • Add feed list to profile
    • Add labels set for accounts in follow list, etc.
    • Add support for “Open in Official”, “Save”, and “Drop” custom feeds in columns
    • Add ability to notify of communication related errors
  • Update
    • Update authentication process at startup
    • Change list refresh to manual in add column dialog
  • Fix
    • Fix handling of HTML escaping characters in post body
    • Fix failure to add root information when replying in notification and post threads
    • Fix OGP processing

v0.11.0 - 2023/9/9 #

  • Add
    • Continue loading support
    • ALT text support (display, post)
    • Post Likes and Reposted Account Listing support
    • Supports feed card post
  • Update
    • Improved link card parsing process

v0.10.0 - 2023/8/27 #

  • Add
    • Add app icons (except for Linux version)
    • Add information on post thread based on post (label, language, date/time, via)
    • Add indication of whether a user is on mute in user information such as follow list
    • Add the ability to set the main target from multiple accounts
  • Update
    • Change to display all posts at once when the column is empty
    • Change tab button in profile to an icon
    • Change moderation-related menu items in own profile to not selectable
    • Change font size adjustment to scale function for entire layout
  • Fix
    • Fix disabled language and label buttons during post processing
    • Fix layout of columns when viewing post threads, etc.
    • Fix mode when searching again after user search
    • Fix unavailability of search button for custom feeds

v0.9.0 - 2023/8/16 #

  • Add
    • Function to add self-labeling to post
    • Display images within the quote
    • Warns when the post being quoted is muted or labeled
    • Support for labels that hide the entire content of the post and warn
  • Fix
    • Fix to remove Exif when attaching image files less than 1Mbyte

v0.8.0 - 2023/8/12 #

  • Add
    • Support for content filters
      • Display posts according to labels
      • Display labels on profiles
      • Add per-label display settings
    • Added media tab to profile
  • Fix
    • Changed so that posts cannot be posted when the post content exceeds 300 characters

v0.7.0 - 2023/7/23 #

  • Add
    • Shortcut to display the corresponding column by pressing a number key
    • Shortcut to display the leftmost and rightmost columns by pressing Ctrl+Left, Ctrl+Right
    • Posting quotations with images
    • Display quotations with images
  • Fix
    • Fixes cases where post dialog layout is broken

v0.6.0 - 2023/7/18 #

  • Add
    • Display user’s feed in a new column from profile
    • Display profile by clicking on icon in column header
    • Display URLs in profiles as hyperlinks
    • Collapsed display of muted user’s posts
    • Display feed cards in post
    • Function to post link cards
    • Language settings when posting
    • Delete a post
    • Mute, block and report a user
    • Report a post
    • Display mute and block status on profile
    • Adjust scroll position when added column is off screen
  • Fix
    • Fixed a bug where URLs could not include anchor links in the determination of URLs.

v0.5.0 - 2023/7/2 #

  • Add
    • Function to select to show/hide by type in notification column settings
    • Add “via” to post
  • Fix
    • Fixed sort order for custom feeds in list of types in add column dialog
    • Fixed bug where token refresh was not propagated to columns properly

v0.4.1 - 2023/6/25 #

  • Fix
    • Fixed that the reply button did not work.

v0.4.0 - 2023/6/25 #

  • Add
    • Function to open in official
    • Function to copy post to clipboard
    • Function to adjust font size (post body only)
  • Change
    • Optimization of column swapping process
  • Fixe
    • Fixed a bug that the selection target is not displayed in the add column dialog immediately after adding an account
    • Forgot to add GUI translation data (Japanese)

v0.3.0 - 2023/6/18 #

  • Add
    • Custom feed support
    • Japanese translation data
  • Fix
    • Display URL on link card hover in post thread

v0.2.0 - 2023/6/11 #

  • Add
    • Search function (post and user)
    • Mention function in post (implemented in @handle)
    • Mentioned handle in post to be a link
    • Display mentions in notifications
    • Display the URL that actually opens when you hover over the URL in the lower left corner of the window
  • Change
    • Open Google Translate when the API key of DeepL is not set in the translation settings
    • Show more threads in post threads when clicking on a post other than the one that is the basis of the post.
  • Fix
    • Retrieve icon and other information when adding an account

v0.1.0 - 2023/6/2 #

  • This is a trial release.